March 18, 2021 at 12:28AM:

March 18, 2021 at 12:28AM  : Thought I may have lost a bunch of my files. Turns out it didn't bootloader just being fucky. Thankfully. Would have possibly lost a bunch of artwork otherwise and I don't always get around to publishing everything I want to.

December 02, 2020 at 04:32AM:

December 02, 2020 at 04:32AM  : <!–(2/2)–> data-desktopportraitselfalign="inherit" data-sstype="layer" data-rotation="0" data-desktopportrait="1" data-desktoplandscape="1" data-tabletportrait="1" data-tabletlandscape="1" data-mobileportrait="1" data-mobilelandscape="1" data-adaptivefont="0" data-desktopportraitfontsize="100" data-plugin="rendered"> <!–( If your document source has some shit like this in it, then you have probably fucked up pretty royally to get here. Just stop it. )–>

December 02, 2020 at 04:29AM:

December 02, 2020 at 04:29AM  : <!–( This is only the beginning of the beginning of this HTML div element. )–> <div class="n2-ss-layer n2-ow slider-butt-font" style="margin:0em 0em 0em 0em ;overflow:visible;" data-pm="normal" data-desktopportraitmargin="0|*|0|*|0|*|0|*|px+" data-desktopportraitheight="0" data-has-maxwidth="0" data-desktopportraitmaxwidth="0" data-cssselfalign="inherit" <!–(1/2)–>

December 01, 2020 at 11:02AM:

December 01, 2020 at 11:02AM  : Updated my random number stream generator web toy. Now using a freshly modified entropy collection method that doesn't totally crash Tor Browser and other runtime environments that have a generally lower time accuracy. Also now using ChaCha20 insteal of Salsa20. #JavaScript #programming #crypto #webdevelopment #web #website #Software #code #DEVCommunity […]